Friends, Field Trips and a Perfect Day

A field trip…does that remind you of anything? A group of quilting students and I went on a field trip this last weekend. Definitely not like a field trip when you were in school but so much better. We went to a small town in Colorado (Niwot) with the cutest little ribbon and gift shop that I have seen in quite a while! There was a whole wall of ribbons, lace and trims of every size and color imaginable. It was literally a “candy store” of ribbons all in one spot. I had called ahead to let the owner know that a large group of us were coming. She and one of her staff were wonderful at helping us with our selections. But the nicest part was spending the day with friends and getting away from the everyday routine. We enjoyed seeing everyone else’s choices and finding great choices of our own. By the way, I spent way too much!

Our field trip group included ladies from three different Crazy Quilt groups that I meet with once a month. We all come from different backgrounds, but we have a common interest: Crazy Quilts. With a common bond like that we had lots to talk about. We visited and made new friends. We laughed, talked, and had lunch together and then went our separate ways. We were all tired but relaxed at the same time. We loved it! In fact we loved it so much, there is already talk about getting together again for another quilting social event. What a great memory and what promise for the future just because of a field trip! Sometimes just taking the time to do something different turns the routine day into the perfect day!

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