Christmas and Crazy Quilts

Not much in common or a lot in common??? I think the latter. Christmas is about family and sharing time with the people in your life that you care about. Christmas is also about Christ who is my beloved savior.  My first crazy quilt was filled with memories of family and things in my life that I care about. Every piece of fabric reminded me of other things that I had made for people that I love. There were pieces of fabric from my best friend, a piece of lace from my wedding dress, and leftover buttons from projects. I felt like I embroidered my life into that quilt. But the most important part for me was the cornerstones of my quilt which contained the embroidered words: “Faith”, “Hope” and “Love”. I made the blocks over a period of two years, so as I was working on them I would put them away as they were finished. However, I think God wanted me to remember how important love was to Him. So forgetting that “Love” was already on one block, I ended up embroidering “Love” on a second block. As I pulled out the blocks to sew them together, there they were – the words that represented my life from the verse: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love“ 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV. So “Love” appears twice on my crazy quilt, reflecting God’s Word that love is the most important of all. Our crazy quilts are often a reflection of our lives. I hope that your crazy quilt helps you put your life into perspective – as much as my quilt helped me do the same. Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy your time with family and friends!

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