A New Season of Life
A new season…I know that I haven’t blogged in a while, but it’s never too late! I have been working on a new Crazie…it’s a mini one where the blocks are just 4 inches. It is so cute that I had to start another one even though I haven’t finished the current one. It is a new season in life for me; I have retired from my job as a medical technologist (laboratory tech) after 35+ years. It feels really odd to not do the job that you faithfully performed for so many years, but there it is. But instead I am now a full time quilter! One would think that means that I have all the time in the world to get to those UFOs. Ha!!! I do have more time but it seems to be filled with doing all the things that I never had time for before…getting organized, working on my projects (instead of just everyone else’s), planning new projects, volunteering more, running our new Heaven Quilt’s Etsy Store which has lace and trims for Crazies, and just the regular everyday stuff around the house. It is a new season of life and I am so much more relaxed. Not trying to not fill up every moment so that I do have time to relax some days and just sew on my Crazie. I do love hand work and have also taken up doing more hand appliqué just because I like it! Ok, so maybe I have dived in head first but still I love it! There is always more time for hand work…maybe more than I can ever finish but it will be fun trying.